Our reviewer takes a look at a book that weaves old-school folktale-telling and contemporary themes for a story unlike any other on the bookshelves today. Akumbu...
A long, hard look at a novel quickly gaining a reputation for being a modern African classic. By Akumbu Uche I tend to approach books numbering...
An epic Zambian saga comes under scrutiny from our reviewer. Hard-hitting classic, or all huff and puff with no bite? By Akumbu Uche ‘The Old Drift’...
A deep, incisive look at an instant classic from 2021 asks questions about the origins of a genre that is currently enjoying a fast rise among...
Our reviewer returns after a brief pause, and hits the floor running with a close, incisive look at an incredibly important book. By Akumbu Uche Many...
This week, Akumbu Uche takes a good look at the critically-acclaimed, Pulitzer-winning book written by Hisham Matar. By Akumbu Uche In 1990, Jaballa Matar, a Libyan...
By Akumbu Uche I don’t come across contemporary African YA novels that often. I can’t speak on whether it’s the supply or the demand that’s in...
In this week’s #AkumbuReviews, a translated work is the focus, in an effort to understand what the author set out to achieve. By Akumbu Uche In...
A 2018 anthology looks at the city of Lagos through a noir filter, with a variety of results. By Akumbu Uche I haven’t read any of...