A new collection of poetry shows the many ways in which words can be used or ‘abused’, resulting sometimes in the most intricately-woven work. Title: Garden...
By Bizuum Yadok The ability of a woman to weaponize her sexual organs or to use it strategically to squeeze out hard-to-get favours from men was...
Imagine a Hausa translation of some of today’s contemporary novels set in Nigeria’s north. And then even more exciting, Hausa literature in English. Wouldn’t it be...
From ‘Lucidity of Absurdity’ to ‘Akimbo in Limbo’, Olumide Olaniyan looks at social issues and the world of politics with what may best be described as...
Recently in the news for being a finalist for the Nigeria Prize For Literature (AKA The NLNG Prize), Abi Daré’s ‘The Girl with the Louding Voice’...
It appears that the judges have a crush on debut novels, as three novelists have so far clinched the prize – also known as the NLNG...