Following the success of “Bad Boys: Ride or Die,” Will Smith is teaming up again with Sony Pictures for the sci-fi thriller “Resistor,” based on Daniel...
Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah are poised to return to direct the next film in the ‘Bad Boys’ franchise. Sony Pictures confirmed that the as-of-yet...
Per a report on The Hollywood Reporter, members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will be set to judge Smith’s first dramatic film...
One of the stars of DC movie ‘The Batman’ has expresses regret regarding her initial response to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars. After...
The Oscar winner posted a new video message — one of his first public statements since the Oscars — to his Instagram on Friday. By Justina...
Will Smith accepts his decade-long ban from the Academy Awards. The 53-year-old Best Actor winner responded Friday after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’...
Shocking no one really, a string of Will Smith films are ‘to be axed’ after the Chris Rock slapping incident at the Oscars divided global opinion...
Will Smith, facing possible expulsion or suspension after he assaulted Chris Rock during last Sunday’s Oscars telecast, has instead resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture...
Will Smith has issued an apology after slapping Chris Rock on the Oscars stage Sunday night which went viral globally. On the actor’s social media platforms...
Will Smith’s Westbrook Studios and David Oyelowo’s Yoruba Saxon have partnered with Netflix to produce the film adaptation of buzzy YA book ‘Onyeka and the Academy...